Monday, December 19, 2016

Loving greetings, Christmas 2016

Loving greetings, Christmas 2016 

The God of eternity
entered our time and space.
Put aside infinity
to join a frail race.
Glorious mystery:
babe in a lowly place,
at mother’s breast

Today I have been thinking of the points I should include in our annual letter.  I want to reflect on the wonder of the birth of Christ, the blessings we receive each day, and our hopes for the future, to name a few.  With this in mind I went to the website where the previous years’ letters and pictures have been stored, and ... it’s pretty well all there already.  I shouldn’t be surprised!

Twelve months ago we reported the drought in this region.  Rain has fallen in abundance, filling our water tanks (we have no town water supply) and our dam.  The grass and trees have grown beautifully.  Nature lessons for the children have included tadpoles, frogs and fish.

We have continued to be in awe as we witness the growth and development of the seven little ones whom God has entrusted to our family.  Our two six year olds have finished their Prep year at school, and our 12 year old is ready to begin her secondary schooling.  The rich tapestry that encompasses the Christmas story, with well loved Scripture readings, carols and songs of faith repeated each year, must stand in the children’s minds against the increasing secularisation of the holiday.

We mentioned last year that we are looking forward to establishing a Presbyterian Church in Kyneton.  There has been some progress towards that goal, with a good turnout to a special introductory worship service last month.

You might wonder how we fill our days now that we have retired.  Let me assure you, there’s no time to worry about being bored.  Each week there are usually visits from one or more children, which we thoroughly enjoy.  Noel has kept up with mowing grass and other jobs around the property.  He is a member of the Victorian committee, and delegate to the national committee of the Australian Presbyterian World Missions.  I have taken up machine knitting, and enjoy making woollen vests and cardigans and beenies for the children, and other items.  By the time we attend a couple of community and Church activities each week, and keep the house work and gardening up to date, we are able to enjoy a good sleep each night.

We are always delighted to receive cards and letters and electronic greetings from many friends, and we hope this letter finds you well.  In a day when we have many high-tech methods for communication available to us, there is nothing better than talking face to face.  If that opportunity presents, we will be very blessed.  We pray that you will know God’s blessing and guiding in the new year.

With love, Joy and Noel