Monday, December 8, 2008


Our little family grew again with Paul's birth.

Excerpt from our letter to our parents, 31 December 1977
From 703-202 Cherry Lane, East Lansing, Michigan 48823 USA

"It seems that this will be our second last letter home from here [Michigan]. I don't quite know how we are going to do all the packing, but at least the thesis is shaping up nicely. Noel is working on it now. ...
"When we arrive in Melbourne it seems now that we will try to find some place to base ourselves until we can find a house or apratment to rent. We should not be too tired, as we will have good sleeps in Hawaii Wed-Thurs nights, leave Friday after midnight (we may be able to have a late check-out from the motel) and be in the air for about 10 hours. We miss Saturday completely, and land in Sydney 8.15am, leave at 9.30am and arrive Melbourne 10.15am on Qantas flight 4. By the time we are through Customs and collect our baggage it will probably be around noon. We will be ready for lunch and a sleep, I'm sure. Noel will go back to work the next day. I am trusting the Lord to give me the help I need for the children and all that has to be done. I can't really plan it, because I can't really visualize what it will be like. It will be great to have Mum & Dad J when they can come.
"One little word to all the family - we do not buy lollies for ourselves or our children, and we would appreciate you all supporting us in this. Acceptable treats for the girls woudl be nuts, dried fruits, or fresh fruits. In our family these are "God's candy". We have read so many medical reports on the adverse effects of excess refined sugar on general health as well as the teeth."

1 comment:

mizz said...

haha this is hilarious!!! what happened to "God's candy"??? i seem to remember grandparents & aunties disobeying that ruling.....