Monday, December 8, 2008


December 2003

Our dear loved ones
As we approach another Christmas celebration our hearts are thankful for the many wonderful people with whom we share parts of our lives. We can say with thanks to God that we have, in the past year, experienced more and more “how great is the love the Father has lavished upon us.” (1John 3:1)

We are thankful for health and strength to do our daily work. Noel has continued in good health, since a couple of severe set-backs a year ago. Noel’s business is becoming more established, and Joy has continued her midwifery practice, despite obstacles. (you may read something about stubbornness here!)

We are thankful for our wonderful daughters, Miriam and Bec. We continue to learn from them as they develop their skills.

We are thankful for Paul; for his recovery, and for the provision of good jobs. We are thankful for Josh and his delightful fiancée Anna.
Our lives have been very blessed.

May the Lord continue to bless you and to make you a blessing to others.

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